Let's start with the good news, shall we? Sterling is currently a bestseller in Mystery/Suspense and Vampire/Werewolf on ARe. Super! It is also ranking at #66 today on Bookstrand. (Last night it was #69 which amused me). And it already has 3 ratings (2 4's and a 5 :) ). I am very pleased with my sexy gay werewolves. And I am very thrilled and thankful to readers for making them so popular so fast!
Bad news on the Uncle Ed's Lap and the Father's Keeper front. Despite my titles, both of my books are in essence love stories between two consenting (non-blood related) adults. However, they are falling dead in the culling of anything that even smells of sorta-kinda-maybe incest. So far they are gone from ARe, Bookstrand and if they are not gone from Smashwords yet, they will be soon.
Both titles (print and Kindle) are currently still available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon and I believe Fictionwise. So, if you have any interest in getting them. You might want to do it now. We do not know how far this will spread. If you believe in the right to read what you want and some of what you want to read is books like mine, I encourage you to visit The Self Publishing Revolution to learn how you can stand up for your rights.
That being said, if anything, the last few weeks have made me blog more than ever.
Have a great week :-)
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