Thursday, August 26, 2010

Coming In January 2011

Going home again can be hard. Especially when your mom has left your step-father and you've got a tag along boyfriend in tow. But going home can also teach you a lot about who you are. And what you want...

Coming January '11 to Excessica



Friday, August 20, 2010

"Once you read this story you will instantly become a fan of Parker Ford!"

Srsly. Big huge thanks to Claudia at Manic Readers for this review. It made my very long and very busy week. :) Go read it for yourself!

I was worried about reviewers' takes on Games as it is such an intense and risky book (in my opinion). So far, so good (knock wood).


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a very unexpected~

very sweet review of Uncle Ed's Lap up at Coffee Fueled Erotica (written by the clever Willsin Rowe). I can only read that kind of review once or I feel my head swelling. So, so nice. I'm flattered. :)